
The power of hypnosis
I am an accredited hypnotherapist and hypnosis is a large part of my clinical practice. Hypnosis is emerging as a powerful medical treatment for pain, all types of anxiety, depression, social anxiety, OCD, addictions, stress and PTSD. Why is it so effective? Research has found that hypnosis calms brain regions that control automatic biological functions such as heart rate, blood flow. It is so powerful it has been used to replace anesthetic in surgery! Research shows that hypnosis powerfully reinforces therapy work, such as CBT. It is the ideal tool to help transform relationship anxiety quickly and effectively.
Can hypnosis change your brain?
Studies have shown that hypnosis can change areas of our brain - it stimulates differeny brain activity:​
Hypnosis shifts our brain activity out of busy beta waves - overthinking, rumination and and hypervigilence.
Hypnosis move us into slow, calm and relaxed alpha waves.
Theta brain waves then focus our attention and heighten suggestibility. We become intensely focused on creating our most empowering future and achieving personal transformation. ​​​​
Gamma brain waves increases our compassion and awareness, helping us accept our situation.

Why hypnosis works
Hypnosis works as we become:​
deeply relaxed,
intensely focused, and we are
highly suggestible

Why is hypnotherapy so effective
Hypnotherapy is so effective as it activates our creativity and turbo charges our imagination. Once hypnotised, we are in the very best possible place to create an inspiring future that we really want.
I am an accredited hypnotherapist. Explore how hypnosis can improve your relationship, empower your creativity and turn your life around.